Fantasy Art Reproductions

 Each Fantasy Artwork Reproduction is presented with artwork title and artist’s attribute, and formatted so it needs no mat making it easily framed with any standard 8 x 10 frame readily available through numerous retail sources both local and online. These reproductions are an affordable opportunity to own collectable artworks that can be easily displayed anywhere, or serve as ideal gifts for those who appreciate the inspirations of art. Every artwork reproduction is printed, inspected and color-proofed by the Artist, and comes ready to display backed by a single 8 x 10 mat board and enclosed in a Crystal Clear Protective Closure Bag to ensure integrity.


  • Paper: 60lb. Paper Canvas offers the texture of canvas media through a unique paper stock. Paper is Alpha cellulose base stock
  • Paper Weight: 60 lb.
  • Thickness: 11 mil
  • Coating: microporous photo matte
  • Backing Board: 4-ply (approx. 1/16" thick) double sided super smooth white illustration board made from 100% recycled fiber. Manufactured at an alkaline pH. +/- 1/16 sizing.

ALL Images © Copyright J. W. Baker / 1991 - 2016 | WOLF SONG STUDIO 2005 - 2016 | Terms & Conditions of J. W. Baker | WOLF SONG STUDIO